22 October 2011

Papercut Magazine

An image I shot with MUA Anthony Nguyen and Chelsea @ Photogenics was published in the October issue of Papercut Magazine.  Perfect for Halloween!


05 December 2010

Rooftop Revolutionaries

I shot the band Rooftop Revolutionaries today.  I love their classic, solid Rock and Roll.  The neighbors lined up to watch the free concert while we shot their music video.

21 October 2010

For Bryan Hearns

I was lucky enough to shoot some of the new Spring '11 pieces from the Bryan Hearns collection.  I saw them on the runway and loved every minute of it, but it was a special treat to see the clothes up close.  They are impeccably made, and the fabric is surprising and unique.  I hope to work with this young talent again very soon.  Here are some previews from our shoot!

Model: Johanna Williams @ Click
MUA/Hair: Mira Cho
Designer/Stylist: Bryan Hearns

17 September 2010

13 September 2010

Love from Fifi

My underwater work got some attention from "Love from Fifi", an inspiration blog in Indonesia.

Thank you for your kind words!!

08 September 2010